Fall Coloring Contest 2019
Attention budding artists…
We want YOU to help us celebrate our store’s 7th Anniversary and Fall Festival by submitting your most colorful, artistic creations.

But what's in it for you?
Well, aside from getting your creative juices flowing and seeing your artwork proudly displayed at Dutch Country General Store, you could win one of these great PRIZES:
Make & Take Candy Jar
Fill up a jar with your favorite candy – one flavor or mix & match!
$100 Shopping Spree
Toys, Candy, Food… You want it? Load it in the cart!
Toy of your choice
Any brand, any size!
(Valued up to $50)
If you are 12 or under, simply download & print the coloring sheet, complete the form, get creative, and return your artwork to the store by October 11, 2019. Make sure to have a grownup help you and sign the form, too. And don't forget to get your FREE ice cream cone when you stop by!
Turn in your coloring sheet and signed form at:
Dutch Country General Store
17192 Highway 2
Bloomfield, IA 52537
17192 Highway 2
Bloomfield, IA 52537
Good luck!