
This Amish mixture of honey and herbs is amazing stuff. It contains no drugs or antibiotics…yet it’s the most exciting wound dressing on the market today!

It’s so remarkable that it’s making ripples all over the medical world and is actually gaining MD approval in hospitals! B&W ointment is especially fast at healing serious burns with drastically reduced pain as compared to the horrific ‘Burn Scrub Tank Routine’ (hydrotank) of western accepted medicine.
If you’re incredulous that MDs would actually endorse an Amish-made honey and herb mixture, check out this study just published December 2014 in the prestigious PubMed! Notice they even left the Amish healers into their hospitals to treat the burn victims while the RNs and MDs stood back, took notes and took pictures!
The researchers noted a 100% success rate, plus, I quote, “The trauma of dressing changes was virtually nonexistent… dressing changes caused minimal or no pain; none of the burns became infected…healing times averaged less than 14 days to complete closure of skin.”
When I see change like this in the hearts and minds of American MDs I feel a renewed ray of hope that just maybe we’ll live to see the day when MDs in USA will prescribe raw milk and raw milk kefir for the healing of America’s raging gut health and immunity crisis!
Dawn and I’ve used B&W with our family for years. (Our five farm boys gave us plenty of opportunity!) I think every family should have B&W Ointment in the medicine cabinet in place of triple antibiotic or other wound creams. This works so much better. You’ll never regret having it on hand. One 4oz container should last for years.


Honey, Lanolin, Olive Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Marshmallow Root, Aloe Vera Gel, Woorwood, Comfrey Root, White Oak Bark, Lobelia, Vegetable Glycerin, Bees Wax, Myrrh

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